Pleasant Hill Baptist Church

Love All > Reach All > Teach All > Send All

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Coming Up @ Pleasant Hill

Women's Weekend Bible Study
"What the Women Saw"
Saturday, April 5 - Fellowship Hall
Breakfast - 9:00 a.m.
Bible Study - 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
here, or text Michelle Barrier (828-413-3945)

CRBA Family Missions
Supporting Hurricane Disaster Relief @ Maynard Electric
April 12 - 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (Lunch provided)
Sign up Now - RSVP by April 7 to Megan

Student Ministries
Kid's Easter Egg Hunt
Wednesday, April 16 @ 6:00 p.m.

Men's Steak Night
April 19 @ 6:00 p.m.
Fellowship Hall
Cost: $10 per person

Rightnow Media available free to all Church Members!
25,000 Bible studies and resources for children, youth, and adults are a gift from your church. Your account has been set up, As a member, you have free access and your email account has already been set up. All you need to do is follow this link to complete your account and fill in your profile and password.
Click this link to set everything up.

Welcome to “The Hill”

A Welcome from our Pastor
If you are looking for an inspiring and Spirit-filled place to worship, then you are cordially invited to drop in on us at Pleasant Hill and experience what God is doing. You will find a loving, faithful, and expectant group of God's people who desire to worship and lift up the name of Jesus, Love all, Reach all, Teach all, and Send all of His disciples into a broken world. Come as you are. We are saving a place for you.

We are located only four miles from I-40 and yet have the feel of a small country church that is made up of a fellowship of believers who are bursting with love and are excited about loving, reaching, teaching, and serving all that come seeking a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. We have a rich history of faith, obedience, and worship and believe that this is the time for Pleasant Hill to continue to be the great beacon of faith that it has been for generations, as well as begin to strengthen our fellowship and outreach. The church stands looking out over the community of Enola, with gorgeous views of the mountains and orchards that surround her. That’s why we affectionately call our place, “The Hill.”

It is my privilege to lead this amazing church to carry out our vision to lift up the name of Jesus, to preach the Word of God, to reach the lost, and to teach, disciple and ready God’s children to reach out to a lost and dying world. Sound like a great place?
You bet it is! Come on out and see.

Dr. Jack R. Hodges, Jr., Senior Pastor
Note: Thanks to Brian Barrier, who provided the beautiful aerials of the church courtesy of Blue Ridge Christian News.
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