Church Open Prayer Dates—February
Saturday, February 8—8:00-11:00 a.m.
Saturday, February 15—8:00-11:00 a.m.
Saturday, February 8—8:00-11:00 a.m.
Saturday, February 15—8:00-11:00 a.m.
This Week
Youth Strawberry Fundraiser
Our annual youth chocolate-covered strawberry fundraiser is beginning. Please see one of the youth (or Shawn or Kayli Casady) to place your orders.
Tuesday, February 11 @ 11:00 a.m. at Timberwoods
Wednesday Night Student Ministries
Every Wednesday our children and youth meet at 6:00 p.m. to continue their "Adventure with Jesus." If you can help, please contact Michelle.
Sewing Class - Mondays from 4:00-5:30 p.m.
The new sewing class this Monday, July 8. All who are interested, please see Ruby Rudisill, Bettie Smith, or Linda Smith.
Life Groups & D-Groups
If you are interested in being a part of an exciting journey toward growing deeper in your relationship with God, then consider joining either a D-Group (one-year commitment) or a Life Group. Please see Pastor Jack or Shawn and they will direct you to D-Group availabilities. You may join Lynne Hicks' Life Group now (meets every Monday @ 6:30).
Sunday Night Bible study - The Book of Revelation
Pastor Jack is taking us through the Book of Revelation. This in-depth study reveals God's plans and purposes for the church, for the return of Christ, and for prophetic in-times. Join us on Sunday nights at 6:00 p.m. If you missed any of the studies, go to the Sermons webpage and click on the link in the sidebar.
Nursery & Children's Church
Nursery is available during the morning service. (Note: No Children's Church on 2nd Sundays)
Children's Church meets in the Small Sanctuary each Sunday except the 2nd Sunday. Please drop your kids off there. They have a full schedule of activities including music, fun, and Bible study.
Exercise Fitness & Prayer Class
Each Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8:30 a.m.
Our annual youth chocolate-covered strawberry fundraiser is beginning. Please see one of the youth (or Shawn or Kayli Casady) to place your orders.
Tuesday, February 11 @ 11:00 a.m. at Timberwoods
Wednesday Night Student Ministries
Every Wednesday our children and youth meet at 6:00 p.m. to continue their "Adventure with Jesus." If you can help, please contact Michelle.
Sewing Class - Mondays from 4:00-5:30 p.m.
The new sewing class this Monday, July 8. All who are interested, please see Ruby Rudisill, Bettie Smith, or Linda Smith.
Life Groups & D-Groups
If you are interested in being a part of an exciting journey toward growing deeper in your relationship with God, then consider joining either a D-Group (one-year commitment) or a Life Group. Please see Pastor Jack or Shawn and they will direct you to D-Group availabilities. You may join Lynne Hicks' Life Group now (meets every Monday @ 6:30).
Sunday Night Bible study - The Book of Revelation
Pastor Jack is taking us through the Book of Revelation. This in-depth study reveals God's plans and purposes for the church, for the return of Christ, and for prophetic in-times. Join us on Sunday nights at 6:00 p.m. If you missed any of the studies, go to the Sermons webpage and click on the link in the sidebar.
Nursery & Children's Church
Nursery is available during the morning service. (Note: No Children's Church on 2nd Sundays)
Children's Church meets in the Small Sanctuary each Sunday except the 2nd Sunday. Please drop your kids off there. They have a full schedule of activities including music, fun, and Bible study.
Exercise Fitness & Prayer Class
Each Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8:30 a.m.
CRBA Men's Rally
Monday, February 17 @ 6:00 p.m.
Mt. Calvary Baptist Church
(Sign up with Chris Maynard. He has to RSVP by Feb. 11)
Adventures with Jesus Club
"Adventures with Jesus Club" (AWJC) continues each week throughout the school year. Bible lessons, games & activities, and a light snack will highlight the evening with kids and youth.
New Testament 260
Join Pastor Jack as he begins preaching through the New Testament throughout 2025. Grab one of the NT260 Reading Schedules to follow along. We are challenging each of you to read five chapters of the New Testament each week. All you have to do is read one chapter a day for five days each week. On Sunday, Pastor Jack will preach from the same passages that we, as a church, are reading together. That’s 260 days of reading the Word of God—and by the end of the year, we all will have read and preached through the entire New Testament.
Sunday School
Sunday Schools are meeting each Sunday morning @ 9:30 a.m. with a new purpose and a reimagined emphasis (Reach, Teach, and Witness). There is something for everyone. Here is a list of classes and locations:
Pre-K—Children’s Department (ground floor)
Children (Elementary)—Children's Department
Youth—Youth Department (3rd floor)
Young Adults— Youth Department (3rd Floor corner room)
Middle Adults—Fellowship Hall
Older Adults—Library Room
Monday, February 17 @ 6:00 p.m.
Mt. Calvary Baptist Church
(Sign up with Chris Maynard. He has to RSVP by Feb. 11)
Adventures with Jesus Club
"Adventures with Jesus Club" (AWJC) continues each week throughout the school year. Bible lessons, games & activities, and a light snack will highlight the evening with kids and youth.
New Testament 260
Join Pastor Jack as he begins preaching through the New Testament throughout 2025. Grab one of the NT260 Reading Schedules to follow along. We are challenging each of you to read five chapters of the New Testament each week. All you have to do is read one chapter a day for five days each week. On Sunday, Pastor Jack will preach from the same passages that we, as a church, are reading together. That’s 260 days of reading the Word of God—and by the end of the year, we all will have read and preached through the entire New Testament.
Sunday School
Sunday Schools are meeting each Sunday morning @ 9:30 a.m. with a new purpose and a reimagined emphasis (Reach, Teach, and Witness). There is something for everyone. Here is a list of classes and locations:
Pre-K—Children’s Department (ground floor)
Children (Elementary)—Children's Department
Youth—Youth Department (3rd floor)
Young Adults— Youth Department (3rd Floor corner room)
Middle Adults—Fellowship Hall
Older Adults—Library Room
Mission Service Opportunities
Upcoming Missions Opportunities
Anchored Special-Needs Ministry
Open Hands & Open Hearts
This ministry is going to be collecting items each month for OCC Shoeboxes this year. You can bring items any Sunday in the month and donate. Please see Bettie, Angie, or Michelle if you have any questions.
January OCC items: hats, gloves, or scarves
Cards & Letters to Military
Please bless our own Henry Broadbent with some love from home. His address is:
LCpl Henry Broadbent
PSC 562 Box 8126 AP 96311
This ministry is going to be collecting items each month for OCC Shoeboxes this year. You can bring items any Sunday in the month and donate. Please see Bettie, Angie, or Michelle if you have any questions.
January OCC items: hats, gloves, or scarves
Cards & Letters to Military
Please bless our own Henry Broadbent with some love from home. His address is:
LCpl Henry Broadbent
PSC 562 Box 8126 AP 96311