Pleasant Hill Baptist Church

Love All > Reach All > Teach All > Send All

The call and mandate of each and every believer and follower of Christ Jesus is found in Matthew 28:19-20. Jesus commanded His spiritual children: "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to observe all that I commanded you…"
Here at Pleasant Hill Baptist Church, we are committed to seek out the lost and dying, introduce them to Jesus, who alone saves, and then to disciple them in the ways of Jesus. Not only are we going to share the saving gospel of Christ, but we are also going to both disciple every new believer and also grow all believers in faith and obedience to the commands of Christ.

Our Spirit-led and God ordained biblical plan for accomplishing our Lord's mandate is to make disciples who make disciples. Our goal is multiplication. And the method for multiplication is through Discipleship Groups (D-Groups) and Life Groups. Our plan is outlined below.

If you are ready to fulfill the Lord's command in your life, then contact Pastor Jack if you are interested in one of the following:
New believer's discipleship
Life Group/Small Group
D-Group discipleship
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Living Sent Mission Conference (NC Baptists On Mission) - APRIL 5-6, 2024
Cost:  Friday & Saturday - $30 (With Friday Supper and Saturday Lunch) Friday & Saturday - $20 (Includes Saturday Lunch) Friday w/Supper - $15 (Friday Supper and Friday Session Only) Saturday only - $15 (Includes Saturday Lunch)
Covers: General sessions, breakout sessions, event materials and lunch on Saturday.
Pre-registration is required. Registration Deadline: March 29, 2024. Schedule: Friday registration begins at 3 pm. Supper serving lines open 4:20 pm 4:20-6:30 pm Volunteer Opportunities Supper Program 7-9 pm Friday night General Session Saturday 9 am-4 pm- Morning and afternoon General Sessions, 3 Breakout Session times (with 100 breakout sessions), Mission Fair Exhibits, Lunch is included and more.  For registration or questions, see Pastor Jack or Chris Maynard.
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2024 N.C. Baptist Discipleship-Making Conference
Click on the image above to listen to the recordings from the conference.
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