Pleasant Hill Baptist Church


Pleasant Hill Children's Ministry

Welcome to our new Children's Ministry Director - Mrs. Michelle Hallman
We are pleased to announce that Mrs. Michelle Hallman has been hired as our Children's Ministry Director. She will serve as a part-time staff member in this capacity. We are so excited as God uses Michelle to lead our children to know Christ and be discipled.

Children's Church
Time: Each Sunday morning during the 10:30 Worship time except 2nd Sunday
Place: Small Sanctuary

Sunday morning's Children's Church is an exciting time for elementary-aged kids. Pastor Van has a great group of volunteers that help him offer to our kids weekly journeys into God's word. Drop your children off at that location before the service begins.

Summer @ Pleasant Hill
We have some exciting whole family activities planned for this summer (June-August). They include:
* Adventures with Jesus Club (AWJC)
Note: Although AWANA's end for the school year, the fun and learning continues throughout the summer. Kids and Youth meet every other week throughout the summer for a camping/wilderness themed Bible lesson, games & activities, and a brown bag supper. We will meet at the picnic grounds at 6:00 p.m.
* Midweek Missions/BYW
Every third Wednesday, we will do a church-wide mission project. Group A will be an on-sight mission project. Group B will be an off-sight project. Stay tuned for more details.
* Family Fellowship Night
A "Family Fellowship" nights will take place each month.
• June 5—the whole church will gather for pizza and games in the Fellowship Hall.
• July 3—July 4th Picnic at the Picnic Grounds
• July 31—Movie Night
• August 7—ServeNC: a local mission project for all
• August 14—Summer wrap-up
* Sunday Funday
Every other Sunday evening, kids and youth will join for a fun activity. Swimming, pickleball, ice cream, and much more will be on the calendar.


Kid's Summer Camps:
Kid's Day Camp - July 9-11
South Mountain Overnight Camp - July 21-24


The Nursery rotation and other smaller children's activities are overseen by Josh & Michelle Hallman, assisted by Megan & Tyler Jaynes.

Second Sunday Children's Packets
Each 2nd Sunday, our children join the adults for worship and preaching. Janice and others have prepared children's packets for that Sunday so that our children have some activities to help them follow along.

Sunday Evening Children in Action (K-5)
Children in Action is an exciting children's class which meets at 6:00 p.m. in the Sparks Room. It is lead by Wendy Edwards and Carol Hicks.

Children's study (meeting in the Anchored Room) is offered on Wednesday evenings @ 6:00 p.m. for children of adults who desire to attend Pastor Jack's Wednesday night Bible study.

Deep Impact & Vacation Bible School Pictures
We've got a few VBS pictures available for you to view from this year.
Click here to view.

Anchored (Special Needs) Ministry
Anchored is a ministry outreach to families of special needs children led by Billy and Carol Hicks. Sensory enriched classrooms and environments will be available for children to immerse themselves in a learning environment that seeks to show and teach the love of Christ Jesus. You can sign up for this by clicking on the Anchored logo below. Any questions, please contact the Hicks or call the church office.
