Pleasant Hill Baptist Church has a long history, having been organized in August, 1858 under a "brush arbor" in the Enola community. Those 16 charter members gathered with the intention of starting a new church, which was to be named Pleasant Hill Baptist Church. In the fall of that year, a "one-room log building was erected and then twenty-eight years later, in 1886, a new "frame building" was constructed. The first brick building was constructed in 1940 and an educational building was added to the back of the brick sanctuary in 1952. Pleasant Hill experienced huge growth and slowly outgrew the sanctuary. So in 1958, a large sanctuary was built beside of the "little sanctuary."

1886 Frame building and the 1940 Brick Sanctuary

Educational building addition in 1952

1958 Large sanctuary showing old personage to the right

Picture of the church in the 1960's

1886 Frame building and the 1940 Brick Sanctuary

Educational building addition in 1952

1958 Large sanctuary showing old personage to the right

Picture of the church in the 1960's